Recap December 2023
Recap December 2023

Recap December 2023


Hey friends, followers, fellow hikers and photography lovers. It’s another month since my last recap already! And it’s also the end of the year. Actually, I’ve been thinking about doing a 2023 review – but I’ve seen so many of such reviews now and I have done SO MUCH this year that I decided that I will not do a 2023 review. If I’d do it, I’d like to do it properly – and to do it properly I’d have to invest quite a considerable amount of time. Therefore, I decided – let it be just a good year with a lot of adventures and let’s hope to continue it as best as possible! A year with a lot of outdoor activities, with a lot of you my friends and a lot of even better photos, videos and experiences.

But let’s quickly jump back to what I did in December:


Would you have asked me which month in the year would be the one with the least outdoor activities – I bet I would not have said “December”. Yet what I forgot: December is often really grey, wet and cold. Sometimes with a bit of snow but melting until the end of the year again. This year we also faces quite a stormy phase where we didn’t go out a lot. Including a weekend where we visited relatives, we “only” did 8 hikes this month. – Okay, eight is actually not so few when I think about it. But each of our hikes was a little adventure by itself and I wouldn’t miss any of it.


But even thought we’ve been out quite a bit, I wasn’t able to take that much really cool shots. But I’m fine with that. The weather: winter with very few snow, wet, grey, … that’s just no ideal conditions for stunning landscape shots. I often carried the camera with me and said to my wife that I feel strange that I don’t take a lot of shots. But she also confirmed, that it simply isn’t very scenic currently. Well – as I said: I’m fine with it: I still have SO many shots to process and every time we were out, we just had a good time. And that’s what counts!


Yeees, I admit: I’ve been a bit lazy his month. This month I only wrote two blog posts. It was simply a conflict in proprities: My main job really exhausted me and sucked all creativity out of me for writing, me visited relatives and last but not least: christmas as well! All that was just more important. But I did at least two of them and things will be better soon as well, o stay tuned!


I mentioned to a couple of friends that I would sell a photo flip that was standing on my desk and I wanted to free the space and was looking for a new home for it. I was glad that I could sell it – and even more that a friend from Singapore also wanted to have some. As I can’t deliver to Singpore directly, I first ordered them to me and then sent them off to a long journey – my first international sales! The parcel is still shipping – I so hope that it will arrive properly.

Well that’s it for now. I wish you all a (belated) Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year! Feel free to follow my day-to-day activites on Instagram abd Mastodon – oh and if you are on YouTube as well, I’m uploading some shorts to Youtube also lately.

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