It’s a difficult Season
It’s a difficult Season

It’s a difficult Season

Currently the weather is not very grateful for my type of photography: it is alternating between above zero during the day and freezing at night. The snow in the mountains is melting slowly. What is left are lots of patches of brown grass and earth right next to fields of bright snow.

I mean, hiking wise I couldn’t complain: temperatures were fine for getting out, winds strong and not overly cold and I was blessed with clear blue sky and lots of sun. There is some snow, yet not so deep that it Most hikers really enjoyed those conditions. – At least if they brought micro spikes because the melting-and-freezing cycles created a lot of icy passages.

But I just find current conditions REALLY hard for my usual mountain and hiking photography. AS I mentioned: Lots of patches of brown grass, super harsh contrast to the snow. And beautiful clear blue sky … unfortunately not the ingrediencies for the best photos, right? In the end, it currently leads me often to some black&white photos which at least cover the color-problem. Below you can see the same photo in color and in b&w for example.

The photos here are no real banger photos. They are .. okay but nothing I am really proud of to be honest. You might wonder why I show them here then? Yeah well, some people think that I’m out hiking and every hike ends with some great photos or clips. But this is definietely not the case. I publish those photos here to show and tell that not every hike is a true success for me. Often, I just carry the camera and lenses hours with me for hours with … little or no return. In some rare cases I don’t even take a single photo becasue I simply do not see a motive. Or – like curently: there might be a motive, but the grass and snow make it really hard to make an appealing foreground.

Such hikes do have the potential to leave a bad feeling – even though the hike and views were nice, even though they were good training, even though I was out and about in nature for a good amount of time. Well – that’s the problem with expectations.

One comment

  1. Unfortunately, you often see motifs that you like when you look at them, but which don’t look good in the picture or for which you can’t find a suitable picture section. At least I’m lucky that I’m now only out and about with my smartphone.
    However, I think that I have slightly different expectations of pictures than you do, and I also have to take a less “technical” approach to a picture.

    That’s probably why photographers often take the better pictures 🙂

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