A Dedicated Day for a Waterfall
A Dedicated Day for a Waterfall

A Dedicated Day for a Waterfall

It’s quite astonishing how quickly time passes. Just yesterday, I finally finished editing the photos from a small trip I had made a while back. As you know, my usual outdoor activities revolve around hiking, where I often capture images along the way. However, it is rare for me to visit a location solely with the intention of taking photographs.

A Trip for Photography

Two months ago, I made the decision to do just that. I chose to visit a waterfall that had been lingering in my thoughts for quite some time. I had hiked to this waterfall a few times before, yet I had never managed to capture a good photo. Each time I visited, I failed to dedicate enough time at the location for a proper shoot. Additionally, my search online yielded very few impressive photographs of this particular spot.

On that day, my goal was to give this location another try. I packed my camera backpack with all the essentials – my tripod, filters, and, of course, my camera. After a 20 to 30-minute walk from the car park, I finally arrived at the waterfall. I was really curious if I could find a proper composition there.

Taking My Time

Upon arrival, I set down my camera and backpack and took out my phone to start walking around the area. I made a conscious effort to take my time, thoroughly evaluating various spots where I could position my camera, considering foreground elements and framing the perfect shot. As I explored the site, it became evident why there aren’t many great photographs of this waterfall. I found it quite challenging to compose a proper shot. Some areas were difficult to navigate due to slippery rocks or deep water, which prevented me from reaching certain angles. Nevertheless, I managed to find a few promising compositions.

One important lesson I learned while taking photos of flowing water is to always shoot multiple exposures. It can be quite difficult to anticipate which exposure will give the best result, so I made a point to capture a series of images at each location. I shot sequences ranging from 1/200s to 1s to ensure I had various options to choose from later.

Light Matters

However, I did overlook one crucial element on a few occasions: the importance of paying attention to the light conditions. Upon reviewing my images at home, I noticed that when I captured certain sequences, the sun peeked through the clouds more than in previous photos. This led to some overly bright spots in my images. Fortunately, these lighting issues did not render the photos unusable this time, but it is certainly something I need to be more vigilant about in future shoots.

Time Spent and Reflections

I ended up spending a considerable amount of time at the waterfall, noticing a few others coming and going. We exchanged brief greetings, each of us enjoying the beauty of the falls.

It was interesting to realize that I had spent around three hours overall, including both walking and taking a break for a snack. I found it hard to tell where or how that time went. This experience also served as a reminder: when I plan to go to a challenging location during specific times of the day, such as sunrise or sunset, I should thoroughly familiarize myself with the area beforehand or ensure I allocate enough time to set up.

The Photos

But enough talking; here are the three photos that I found to be the best from my time at the waterfall:

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